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Call Deadline - 2nd Cohort

Call Deadline (Extension)-2nd Cohort

Call deadline PhD studentdhip "Long-term Energy Pathways in Ecuador"


Doctoral program in Mechanical Sciences is a multidisciplinary program covering some areas: Energy, Materials and Mechanical Design. Research carried out is of fundamental character, numerical and experimental with purpose to respond the development needs of our country and of the world: power generation, development of new materials, machinery design and environment conservation. The program is focused on form a solid group of researchers with capacity of understand, formulate and solve the actual society problems.


Research lines

  • o Analysis and design of power systems
  • o Modeling, Simulation and optimization of physics thermic process
  • o Mechanical and mechatronics systems design
  • o Combustion, control and emission mitigation technologies
  • o Formulation, characterization and application of advanced materials
  • o Materials processing
  • o Development of nano materials and nano transport technics
  • o Compose and nano-structured Materials

  • Procedure

    The present doctoral program includes two phases, separated from each other by a qualification examination. The application phase, with a duration of approximately one year, where the student together with his tutor designs the methodology of his doctoral project; in this phase the student must take the school credits. The admission phase, where a court will evaluate the definitive research proposal. And the research phase, which lasts between 3 and 6 years.

    • Application phase

      In a first phase, the student is admitted to the program based on the stipulated requirements, following the admission procedure. This phase lasts between 12 to 18 months, and the student, under the tutor direction, will work mainly in the formulation of research plan for the qualification exam. Likewise, in this phase the student will be asked to take three courses, corresponding to 144 hours, of their training. Additionally, students who must take leveling courses because they do not have a Master of Science degree in the area, must take them during this period. The application phase ends when the student and their tutor asks the doctoral committee to take the qualification exam

    • Qualification test

      This examination marks the transition between the application phase and the research phase. Once this exam is passed, the doctoral candidate becomes a doctoral candidate. Along with the application, the student will send the doctoral research plan. The doctoral committee will form an evaluation tribunal composed of three researchers who meet the same requirements as for the program's researchers. In this court, at least one researcher will be external to the program and recommended from an international university.

    • Research phase

      In this phase, the student is considered a doctoral candidate. During this phase, the student must complete the academic requirements for graduation. Once these requirements are met, in agreement with the tutor / director, the student will ask the doctoral committee for authorization to submit the manuscript. With this application, the doctoral committee will make up the grade court. This court will consist of five researchers who must meet the same requirements for the program's research facility. At least two of these researchers will be from universities, centers or laboratories external to the EPN.


    Those interested in applying to the doctoral program, before submitting the application documentation, should review among the proposed thesis topics those that are of interest to them. They should directly contact the proposing teacher, who, if they reach an agreement, will issue a letter of sponsorship to enter the program. Once with this letter, the applicant must attach all the required documentation.

    • Photocopy of the bachelor's degree and master's degree title, previously registered in SENESCYT
    • Curriculum vitae
    • Knowledge certificate of the English language (minimum level B2)
    • Motivation letter
    • Sponsorship letter from a program´s professor that promotes your entrance to doctorate
    • Concept note of the initial research proposal (max 5 pages). This document must be prepared with the sponsoring professor
    • Document certifying full-time dedication to the program (affidavit, letter from the entity in which you work, etc.)


    Las áreas de interés relacionadas al programa doctoral son:

    • Energía
    • Materiales
    • Diseño Mecánico

    Research in progress

    Actualmente, en el programa doctoral se están desarrollando los siguientes temas de tesis propuestos:

    Materiales multifuncionales con base en sólidos laminares: síntesis, caracterización y aplicaciones ambientales y biomédicas

    Por: Yadira Salguero

    Dirigido por: Víctor Guerrero

    Los hidróxidos dobles laminares (LDH, por sus siglas en inglés) son un tipo particular de arcillas sintéticas con estructura basada en láminas con carga positiva que permiten incorporar aniones en el espacio interlaminar. Así, los LDH tienen propiedades de intercambio aniónico, son hidrofílicos e inestables en medios ácidos, y se obtienen con un bajo costo, lo que permite utilizarlos en diferentes áreas de aplicación.

    La posibilidad de obtener LDH a través de métodos sostenibles, con propiedades a medida y alta efectividad durante su aplicación ha atraído la atención de la comunidad científica en los últimos años. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar materiales multifuncionales con base en sólidos laminares y estudiarlos con un enfoque multidisciplinario. Para ello, se plantean como base los siguientes objetivos específicos:

    • Obtener LDH empleando tanto métodos tradicionales como otros más amigables con el medio ambiente.
    • Obtener, a partir de los LDH sintetizados, materiales compuestos multifuncionales con propiedades a medida.
    • Evaluar el desempeño de los materiales formulados en aplicaciones de remoción de contaminantes de agua y liberación controlada de fármacos.

    Estudio teórico y experimental del reemplazo del refrigerante R-134a con refrigerantes de bajo potencial de calentamiento global en sistemas de refrigeración de compresión de vapor

    Por: Hugo Zúñiga

    Dirigido por: Carlos Naranjo

    A nivel mundial, de acuerdo con las regulaciones del Protocolo de Montreal y la enmienda de Kigali, los refrigerantes hidrofluorocarbonos (HFC) están en proceso constante de desuso y reemplazo debido a su alto potencial de calentamiento global (GWP). Uno de los HFC más usados a nivel mundial es el R134a.

    El proyecto doctoral tiene como finalidad estudiar de forma teórica y experimental el uso de diferentes mexclas y combinaciones de refrigerantes naturales en sistemas de refrigeración domésticos o automotrices. El estudio pretende evaluar diferentes indicadores, como son el rendimiento (COP) del sistema en condiciones reales y dinámicas a carga variable, y el impacto ambiental del reemplazo de estos refrigerantes.


    Currently, within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, is promoting the renewal of laboratory equipment for research purposes. This is a process that, once started, will take some years to complete. Most new equipment is being acquired through research projects. Next, some of laboratories that house research teams that provide their services to researchers and projects of the doctoral program members are presented

    New Materials Laboratory (LANUM)

    It is a long-established laboratory within Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. This is It is attached to Department of Materials and carries out research and development activities in areas related to nanotechnology and materials science and engineering. Among the laboratory equipment are:

    • Differential scanning calorimeter
    • RAMAN spectroscope
    • Scanning electron microscope
    • BET analyzer
    • Thermo-gravimetric analyzer (TGA)
    • Thermo-mechanical analyzer (TMA)
    • Nanoparticle size analyzer
    • SPECTRUM 100 FTIR infrared spectrograph
    • Impact testing machine for plastics
    • Universal testing machine for composite materials
    Laboratory of Investigation, Development and Innovation in New Technologies of Design, Manufacturing and Production (LABINTECDIMP)

    This laboratory is attached to Department of Mechanical Engineering. It is a laboratory with capabilities for manufacturing parts and prototypes, with help of programmable equipment and CNC machines, for research, education and service purposes. Among the laboratory equipment are:

    • MDX-40 CNC milling machine
    • CNC Lathe
    • ROMI D800 machining center
    • Industrial scanner capture
    • HandySCAN 3D portable scanner
    • CubePRO 3D Printer
    Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory

    This laboratory is attached to Department of Mechanical Engineering. The laboratory carries out welding and material analysis tests. Among the laboratory equipment are:

    • X-ray equipment
    Laboratory of Stress and Vibrations Analysis (LAEV)

    This laboratory is attached to Department of Mechanical Engineering. The laboratory carries out tests in the area of vibration and material analysis. Among the laboratory equipment are:

    • Universal analog machine
    • Universal computerized machine
    Foundry Laboratory

    This laboratory is attached to Materials Department. Among the laboratory equipment are:

    • Spark spectrometer
    • 3D Printer
    Heat Transfer Laboratory (LTC)

    This laboratory is attached to Department of Mechanical Engineering. It is a laboratory focused on study of heat transfer phenomena and their application in use and energy conversion. Currently, this laboratory is collaborating closely with the SCINERGY research group. Laboratory has initiated a process of equipment in areas of energy efficiency in buildings, solar energy and introduction of alternative energy sources in transport. Among the laboratory equipment are:

    • Weather and solar radiation station. This station has a pyrheliometer (DNI), two pyranometers (GHI, DHI), a UV radiometer (UVA, UVB), an anemometer, a dry bulb and humidity temperature sensor and a rain gauge.
    • Equipment for measuring potential of biogas production.
    • Low temperature thermographic camera

    General Information

  • • Name: Doctoral program in Mechanical Sciences

  • • Academic Degree: Doctor (PhD) in Mechanical Sciences

  • • Program Type: semi-structured

  • • Academic Units:
    • - Department of Mechanical Engineering
      - Department of Materials

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